A Dungeon: The Pyramids of the Death Worshippers

Sometimes I have a simple, small idea that evolves into a dungeon. This one started with a mummy.

I am a big fan of mummies. Real mummies are interesting from a scientific perspective, and mummies in horror media are a fun compromise between reality and fantasy. The idea of a misunderstood ancient civilization that uses eldritch magic to raise desiccated bodies with contorted faces and sinister powers is interesting to me. Typically, mummies in horror are powerful: they possess mind control powers and can regenerate or must be killed in specific ways. This got me thinking about how going at a mummy with traditional medieval weapons will likely end badly for the adventurers.

So, what would happen if some adventurers tried to slash a mummy to death? My thought was that parts of the mummy would probably detach and, since there is dark magic at hand, continue moving and attacking the adventurers independently. If that was me, I would be frightened off my adventuring boots, so I decided to make the stat block, just for fun.

From there on, I kept adding layers to explain what civilization the mummy was originally from, what the intention of becoming a mummy was for, and where the mummy could be found. Eventually, I had a dungeon.

I've play-tested this dungeon a bit, and I really enjoyed it. I made some changes after that test and would like to test it a few more times just to see how the elements can interact in different ways under different conditions. I'll be setting up a few online games and see how that goes. I already made the dungeon on Shmeppy and have a few pre-mades ready to go. With that said, I would appreciate anyone interested in playing it with me. 

If you would like to participate in a playtest, leave a comment or message me.

Anyhow, here's the dungeon for anyone that wants to run a pyramid full of mummies.

Note: I wrote the stat blocks for a homebrew system, but they can easily be swapped for monsters from your favorite system (most compatible with OSE). Also, the PDF is bookmarked.



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